Leading up to the Run Like a Mother 5KK/2K (Please, please, sign up for it!) we will be featuring “Moms on a Mission.” These are Moms who have taken up causes that are dear to them and spend their time improving the lives of others. IN this post, we are very honored to feature the work of Amy McCarthy.
What is your mom on mission project?
My project is multi-layered. First, to raise awareness and understanding on domestic violence.
Second, it is to help those that are dealing with domestic violence. Finally, it is to uplift others
along the way…. Make the world a little better with each interaction I have. I imagine it as if I am
carrying a bag full of confetti or glitter and these things represent kindness and positivity I want
to share…I want to sprinkle that stuff everywhere!! I am hoping to launch my own organization
that fulfill the needs that women need at each stage of their path as they face the challenges
that domestic violence brings. This is currently a passion project I am working on and cannot
wait to launch it like boss!!
Why is your mom on a mission project important to you?
I am a survivor of domestic violence, yes, you read that correctly. I am a survivor of domestic
violence. When I say the phrase “I’m a Survivor” I hear Destiny’s Child playing on shuffle in my
head, sometimes I start to sing and dance! I did not always hear that song…this took time, focus
and hard work to get exactly where I am today. It took dedication to being the best version of
myself to hear that song and many others. I now hear them loud and clear and I want to help
other women get to the point where they can hear ‘their song’.
Being a survivor, I get it, I understand the many phases a woman goes through. It is a hard and
difficult journey. This journey is filled with what seems like insurmountable challenges,
challenges you feel you can never overcome, you have been told you cannot. I want to show
them they CAN do it and they are not alone. Domestic Violence is a dark and lonely place to be.
I want to support them on their journey as if I am holding a light to light the way to get out of that
dark place and begin THEIR journey!
I believe I am destined to help others and pay it forward; to combine my passion + purpose
along with the challenges I faced in an abusive marriage to make the world a better place….one
person at a time.
What have been your successes with the project?
Awareness, understanding, support and encouragement. While my mission will not yield
numbers or stats of achievements as one would share on a resume. My successes have been
the relationships I have built with those that are like-minded in wanting to smash the stigma that
goes along with Domestic Violence. Sharing my story to help others gain a better understanding
that domestic violence can happen to anyone. Sharing my story to help other victims see they
can break free, be a light for them. Supporting women, like me, as they face a challenging
journey by simply being present, guiding through challenges that a victim of domestic violence
faces like: getting an order protection, walking them through the process, and so much more!
Domestic violence is a journey I wish on no one, not a soul. I believe I was meant to be in the
place I am in right now, in this moment. I was meant to face the challenges in my path along the
way to be exactly in this spot today. Helping one person at a time….helping them to be the best
version of themselves, break free of domestic violence and spread joy and positivity! I view it as
if I am holding up a mirror for each person to see the beauty in themselves that I see. These are
my gifts I am meant to share… it IS my Mission!
To sign up for this year’s Run Like a Mother 5K, go to: https://www.yourhometownevents.com/runs-walks/runlikeamother/
Proud of you Amy. I am signed up to participate on Sunday! See you there 😀